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Наборы кодеков

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: The Codecs
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Главная - Программы - Инструменты титров ( Subtitle Tools ) - Скачать кодек (программу) Subtitle Workshop 2.51

Скачать кодек (программу) Subtitle Workshop 2.51 - download codec

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Subtitle Workshop 2.51

Subtitle Workshop - самый полный, эффективный, удобный и бесплатный инструмент для редактирования титров. Поддерживает все форматы титров.

Добавлено: 30.05.2004 | Размер: 1.03 Мб

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Скачать кодек ( программу ) Subtitle Workshop 2.51

Подробное описание:

Особенности Subtitle Workshop 2.51:

* Reading and writing engine:
Based in URUSoft SubtitleAPI, so new formats can be easily added by downloading an updated dll file.
Currently (version 1.05 of SubtitleAPI) supports around 56 subtitle formats.
Can handle both time and frame based subtitles.
Can load files in plain text format so that you can set the timings.
Supports reading and writing style tags (bold, italic, underline) and color tags in format which support it.
Supports Output Settings in DVDSubtitle, SAMI, Sonic Scenarist, SubStation Alpha, SubViewer 1 & 2 and TMPlayer formats.
Supports saving a subtitle in your custom format.
* Interface:
User friendly.
Configurable shortcuts.
Supports multi-language (currently over 35 languages are available!).
Can switch between interfaces to adapt to the user's need, you can turn Video Preview Mode on and off and Translator Mode on and off.
User friendly Translator mode.
* Video preview:
Integrated in the main window.
Shows subtitles over the video.
Can show information about the video you are watching.
You are able to customize foreground color, background color (or transparent), show border or not, show shadow or not, border and shadow's width of the subtitles.
NOT based in Windows Media Player, this results in a highly improved performance and visual quality.
* Subtitle fixing:
Highly enhanced functions strictly designed to get speed and a high grade of efficiency.
Advanced & easy to customize text scripts for OCR errors repair, offering the possibility of using regular expressions.
Powerful and totally customizable error fixing engine.
Possibility to mark errors in the main list with a different font style and color so that it is easy to identify them visually.
Optional automated checks/fixes on load subtitle.
Checks and fixes (all are optional, you may configure it): empty subtitles, lines without letters, overlapping, bad values, hearing impaired subtitles, text before colon (:) (optional - Only if text is in capital letters), unnecessary dots, - in subtitles with one line, subtitles over two lines, prohibited characters (configurable characters), repeated characters (configurable characters), repeated subtitles (configurable time tolerance), OCR errors, spaces before custom characters, spaces after custom characters, unnecessary spaces, too long/short durations and too long lines (only check).
* General:
Extremely customizable.
Multi-level Undo-Redo.
Spell check using Microsoft Word's engine, so it supports any installed language.
Can create new subtitles from scratch.
Easily add and delete subtitles with Insert and Delete keys.
Can split subtitle (at selected item, at given item, at given time, at given frame, or at the end of video), or in an indefinite number of parts (equal in time, in lines or at the end of multiple videos).
Can join an indefinite number of subtitles, and those subtitles may be in different formats with different FPS (you can select a different FPS for each file).
Two methods of getting FPS from video: without using DirectX (only supports AVI) and using DirectX (supports all video formats, but it is slower).
You are able to choose which subtitle extensions to associate.
Supports drag & drop (subtitle files and video files).
Supports command line.
Recent files list (customizable number of recent files from 0 to 20).
* Timing operations:
Set delay (positive or negative, time or frames).
Set duration limits (maximum duration and minimum duration).
Adjust subtitles using four possible methods: 1- first and last dialogs, 2- synchronize using two points (linear algorithm), 3- Adjust to synchronized subtitles and 4- Advanced system to synchronize subtitles using an indefinite number of points.
Time expander/reducer to expand/reduce the final time of certain subtitles under certain conditions.
Automatic durations to calculate the duration of subtitles using a simple formula.
FPS Conversion with one click.
Extend length to extend the length of selected subtitles to the start time of the next one.
Shift subtitle forward or backwards a configurable amount of time.
Read times from file feature, to fix a subtitle using another subtitle's times.
* Text-related operations:
Search & Replace text with Match whole words, Case sensitive and Preserve case options.
Smart line adjust to constrain subtitles bigger than three lines into two and adjust length of lines.
Convert case with 6 different conversion modes.
Unbreak subtitles to make all selected subtitles be in one line.
Divide lines to easily divide a subtitle with more than one line (or one big line) into two subtitles with proper time recalculation.
Reverse text keeping lines order or not.
Fix punctuation, very useful for right-to-left languages.
Delete unnecessary links to delete the unnecessary ... if they are present the end of one line and at the beginning of the next one.
Read texts from file feature, to fix a subtitle using another subtitle's text.
* Text and times related:
Sort subtitles to sort all the subtitles according to their start time.
Combine subtitles to make all the selected subtitles become only one (for eg. - Hi! and - Hey!!! to - Hi!|- Hey!!!).
Visual effects with the texts and times of the subtitles.
Possibility to mark subtitles for later review (and of course unmark them) and read Subtitle Report Files (*.srf) generated by ViPlay.

Главная - Кодеки - Программы - Инструменты титров Subtitle Tools - Скачать кодек (программу) Subtitle Workshop 2.51

Другие кодеки (программы) из раздела Инструменты титров:

Скачать FurySync

Скачать Ogg Subtitle Mixer

Скачать SRTWiz 0.10

Скачать SubCreator

Скачать Sublight 2.0.1

Скачать SubMagic 0.71

Скачать SubRip 1.50 beta 4

Скачать SubRip 1.20

Скачать Subtitle Edit 2.8.7

Скачать Subtitle Processor 7.7.1


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