Скачать кодек (программу) RAD Video Tools (featuring Bink 1.9r and Smacker 4.2c) - download codec
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RAD Video Tools - набор утилит для обработки видео, анимации и аудио данных. Содержит видео кодеки: Bink Video, последний 24-bit true-color codec, Smacker, 8-bit 256-color codec.
Добавлено: 06.01.2010 | Размер: 1.4 Мб
* После загрузки RAD Video Tools (featuring Bink 1.9r and Smacker 4.2c) с нашего сайта вы получаете полную онлайн поддержку по данному продукту. Если у вас будут какие-либо вопросы (как по данной программе/кодеку, так и общие вопросы по мультимедиа), пожалуйста обращайтесь.
Bink Video - 'лучший-чем-DVD' видео кодек. Таким образом, сжимает лучше чем DVD в три раза быстрее! Smacker - 256-цветной компрессор для видео и анимации.
Функции RAD Video Tools:
- File name: Enter the filename that you want to work with here. For example, if you just want to play a file, then just highlight it and click the Play button. You can change the default playback parameters in the Advanced play window. - Files of type: By default, the RAD Video Tools will display all media files, but you can use this pulldown to change the file selection list. - Bink it: This button opens the Bink compressor window where you can compress your movies with our true-color Bink codec. - Smack it: This button opens the Smacker compressor window where you can compress your movies with the Smacker codec. - Advanced play: The Advanced Play button opens the playback options screen, where you can customize the settings to use to on playback of your video. Advanced play options are available for Bink and Smacker files. If you've highlighted a Bink file, then the Bink Advanced play screen will open. Similarly, if you highlight a Smacker file, and hit the Advanced Play button, then the Smacker Advanced play window, which is a little different, will open. - Mix in sound: This button opens the Bink or Smacker audio mixer. You only need to use the audio mixer when you want to replace or add another audio track to a video file. Normally, you won't have to utilize this feature, because our compressors will automatically compress the audio track of an AVI or QuickTime file in with the video frames. - Convert a file: The RAD converter can convert almost any type of file to another type. For example, you can convert a bunch of BMPs into an AVI, GIFs into JPEGs, Smackers into flics, QuickTimes into AVIs, wave files into different sample rates, 24-bit images into 8-bit images, etc. - Analyze file: The Analyze button opens one of the handiest features in the RAD Video Tools. It displays a visual representation of a Bink or Smacker file's data rate. - List files: You can create a list file by clicking this button. A list file is a text file that contains a list of other file names that you want to be treated as one big file. This allows you to compress multiple input files into one output file. - New version?: Use this to check your Bink version. It is a quick and easy way to make sure you're always using the latest-and-greatest update to the RAD Video Tools. - Batch: This button will start the RAD Batch editor. You can use the batch editor to create a list of tasks that can be run unattended. - File info: Click the File info button to display a description of the highlighted media file. - System info: The System info button displays information about your computer. - Help: A mouse click on the Help button will open your browser window to this Help page. - FAQs: If you click the FAQs button, your browser will open our Frequently Asked Questions page. - About: The About button will open a window that gives you version information on the RAD Video Tools.
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